Presenter Expression of Interest

RAAA Convention 2024, 19-21 March 2024
RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast

Australia’s regional aviation industry is in transition, with new aerospace and communications technologies, regulations and market forces driving fundamental change in how we will operate in future.

Issues such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels, Advanced Air Mobility and Towards Net Zero are amplifying the need for an informed Aviation White Paper, and pressing debate on how industry can mitigate the risks and seize the opportunities they present.

We already have some great speakers lined up for the Convention but recognise that our own community is working on some exciting endeavours that are worthy of sharing too.

If your organisation is working on leading-edge technology that will advance the aviation industry, even if you’re outside our field, we’d love to hear from you!

This your chance to interact with our audience … to captivate and inspire them!

What we’re NOT looking for is death-by-PowerPoint, a convoluted history lesson or problems without solutions 😉

So if you have a great idea and would like to be considered, please complete the following EOI and we will be in touch if your presentation aligns with our program.

0/150 Max words
Please include any details of the key takeaways from your presentation and how you will engage and/or be interactive with the audience.
0/1000 Max words
Please provide any further information (eg past experience, testimonials) that you believe will assist us in understanding your presentation.
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