Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024

Written by Natalie Gane on -

The RAAA acknowledges the government’s policy intent to reduce net immigration to ensure that housing affordability is kept at a reasonable level for Australians. However, the Association is deeply concerned that what has been proposed has serious implications for Australian aviation businesses that provide and rely on flight training activities in support of the Australian economy.

If the allocated caps that are due to come into effect from 1 January 2025 are to proceed there will be a number of large, medium, and small flight training businesses that will no longer remain viable – they will be forced to cease operations and close down resulting in significant job losses.

The RAAA strongly requested in our submission to the Senate Inquiry that the Federal Government does not include pilot training candidates in the international student caps or at least reconsiders and revises up the numbers of international student places that have been allocated to Australian flight training organisations.

Read Submission