The RAAA is the only organisation representing all sectors associated with regional aviation in Australia. This includes airlines, charter operators, aeromedical operations, airfreight operators, helicopter operations, flying schools, airports, maintenance organisations, training organisations, engine and airframe manufacturers, insurers, financiers – just to name a few.
Membership is available whether you are a small or large organisation with equal standing.
Being a member of an industry association such as the RAAA is an indication to others that you take your industry, and by extension your profession, seriously. It says you;
- care about the future of your industry,
- value continuing professional development, and
- are activiely involved in issues affecting the aviation industry.
For many RAAA members a key to being part of us is the networking opportunities with your peers. Not only does it provide the opportunity to meet individuals who share a common interest; it can also spark the beginning of a new friendship. After all, one can never have too many contacts in the aviation industry.
To be considered for Membership of the RAAA we need to have received a current application form which must then be approved by the RAAA Board.
Membership Benefits
- All members receive regular industry updates and invitations to comment on a wide range of issues, and are encouraged to participate fully in the Association’s activities. We are strongly committed to ensuring relevance of information for all categories of Members so to add value to their membership of the Association.
- The RAAA Technical Working Group (TWG) meets online (roughly quarterly) so RAAA Members can get together to discuss the issues affecting our industry. All RAAA Members are strongly encouraged to participate in the TWG.
- Technical Sub-groups are established as and when required. Members can get together to discuss the issues affecting the key area. All RAAA Members are strongly encouraged to participated in these Sub-groups.
- Members are able to keep other members informed on happenings in their business by use of the RAAA Newsletter. Members are also able to provide technical non-advertorial articles for inclusion in the RAAA Newsletter. The newsletter is produced quarterly and distributed electronically to Members and via the web site for the general public.
- All members are included in the RAAA Members Directory. This provides an easy to read listing by category enabling you to be found easily by fellow members.
- All members receive a profile on the RAAA website. The detail maintained in the profile is at the Member’s discretion.
- All members are invited to attend the RAAA Convention – the ultimate biennial networking event for anyone who is involved with regional aviation. The Convention includes a Trade Exhibition, Gala Dinner, and features talks and discussions by international and Australian experts on the latest issues affecti
ng the industry. Members receive Discount Registration Fees for the RAAA Convention, Discount on Trade Site Hire for the RAAA Convention, and Priority placement of limited spaces at the Convention Trade Exhibition.
- With RAAA Board permission, the RAAA provides upon request and generally at no cost to the member, an advocacy service whereby it acts on behalf of a member in relation to issues involving Government regulations and charges, airport charges and issues, training and general aviation issues.
For more information about membership with the RAAA, please click on our Membership Information brochure.