The RAAA welcomed the opportunity to provide a submission in response to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee’s (RRAT) inquiry into the Airline Passenger Protections (Pay on Delay) Bill.
The RAAA acknowledges and understands the frustrations experienced by the traveling public when their travel plans are disrupted by flight delays and flight cancellations. While airlines do have a significant role in ensuring the safe and timely delivery of services to the traveling public there are many other contributing factors beyond an airline’s control that have significant impacts on flight delays and flight cancellations.
Any consideration of a ‘delay and pay’ passenger compensation scheme needs to be well considered in the context of the problem that it is trying to address. This includes looking to other overseas jurisdictions and their experience in running such schemes and the potential for unintended consequences or unfavourable outcomes from such a scheme.
Furthermore, there is a real possibility of adverse impacts for communities in regional and remote locations across Australia. Any new scheme should consider the type of airline operation and the locations they are operating to, so as to protect the services provided to regional and remote communities. This may include considering excluding certain airline operators and/or locations from any proposed scheme.
Read Submission