Aviarc is based in Brisbane QLD, and provides Aviation Safety Management Services. In partnership with Avinet, they offer a unique and affordable cloud-based safety management option to Australian Air Operators, in preparation for CASR Part 119 and associated rule changes, due next year.
From December 2021, all air operators will be required to comply with the new regulations. In particular, accountable executives will need to ensure that their company has, amongst other requirements;
- A qualified and experienced Safety Manager,
- A functioning SMS that is scaled appropriately, and
- A Non-Technical Skills and Human factors Training program.
Whilst this not only offers the prospect of enhanced safety outcomes, it will also have some benefits in terms of the allowing smaller operators to provide a broader range of services. Not the least of these is scheduled flight operations.
However, it brings with it a new and challenging set of issues in terms of management, compliance, and accountability for CEO’s and HOFO’s. To employ a full time Safety Manager with both the experience and qualifications necessary to satisfy the regulator, provide the maximum benefits offered by an enhanced safety management program, and basically, watch your back, could be costly. Additionally, purchasing expensive software to help with managing your new SMS, could be utterly prohibitive.
However, Aviarc’s new partnership with Avinet, using their Air Maestro platform, combines Aviation Safety experience spanning 30 years, with affordable access to the management software you need.
Director, Ian Wilson, has post-graduate qualifications in Safety and Accident Investigation, is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, and a member of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators. His 12000 hours of flight experience includes charter work in outback Queensland and the Northern Territory, airline flying in medium turbo-prop and jet transport aircraft, aero-medical flying, and floatplane instructing. Ian brings the knowledge and experience gained from 30 years in the aviation industry as a Pilot, Captain on Boeing 737 and Embraer 190 jet aircraft, Training Captain, Chief Pilot, Flight Instructor, Safety Manager, and Investigator, to your business.
For details regarding the Aviarc Safety Management Program, please contact;
E: info@aviarc.com.au W: www.aviarc.com.au Ph: 0432 246 145